Websites for the classroom

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Websites for the classroom

Pete 'Interactive video platform is recognized by the National Science Foundation as significantly positively affecting student outcomes and knowledge acquisition. We work in partnership with our clients to create a product that is dynamic and powerful, addressing engagement, retention, & other learning concerns.' - Many students get bored with the same traditional approaches. This way they can learn new skills while reinforcing other.   This site looks at large topics and some small issues that are being debated and allows students to join the debate as well as review them for themselves.  Some topics are; Is Saying #AllLivesMatter Instead of #BlackLivesMatter Better? - The Existence of God. - Prolife or Prochoice and more.
Voki is a free collection of customizable speaking avatars for teachers and students that enhances classroom instruction, class engagement, and lesson comprehension. Voki is a fun tool that students can use for homework, classwork or projects. I never knew there was another Youtube. They have videos on all subjects- Science, Math, Histories, Social Studies and Language Arts.  This is one I will use a lot.