What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?

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What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?

Some rights should always be accepted, like freedom of speech and ones ability to say what they wish.  But on the other hand if we are raising responsible adults, we also need to have some etiquette in place.  Some things are better left in ones mind.  We as adults need to help the youth understand that what you put online in any form is there  forever!  They think, like with Snapchat, that it is gone instantly and that is far from the truth.  We are in such of a quick response age that some forget to think before acting and thus gets them in trouble.  If we don't instill some respect for what they say it might lead them to get fired one day for what they feel is a harmless post on instagram or facebook.  Education is the key to helping them think of questions to ask themselves as to how is someone going to respond to this.  But then we as adults need to understand that if someone is posting their point of view that we need to understand and respect that right as well.  Going and starting a fight just because someone doesn't believe what you believe is not what I think our founding fathers thought would happen.  
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Re: What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?

This is Tammi Brunner.
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Re: What user rights do you feel should be part of the norms in this digital world?

Beth Duffy
In reply to this post by TAMMI BRUNNER
I appreciate your phrase that Some things are better left in one's mind. While the Internet is an amazing resource for historical, data, and other such informational records, I've never appreciated the extreme extent that users engage in to make public what traditionally has been considered private. I've seen such sad public displays in Internet visuals and communicated words. I appreciate privacy and while I understand that some people feel a need to reach out and communicate with others, as you imply, not everything needs to be public. It's sad to think of all the wonderful things people could do if they did not allow themselves to become glued to their technology.