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I have been using gmail for quite sometime now.  This tutorial has taught me several features that I have not utilized in the past and reminded me of some that I haven't used in several years.  This spring when we went to required distance learning at my school, I found it difficult to keep track of all the emails I was sending and receiving, so labels is something that I have utilized and will probably do a better job of utilizing in the future.  I have also set my email so that certain emails automatically will be filed.  We get a daily bulletin--4 times--once for each grade level.  I have this to automatically file into a bulletin label.  I can then just open the bulletin from there each  morning and I won't have to waste any time cleaning up my inbox with the bulletin each day.  I have also done this with the absentee list each day.  Lastly, I have created a contact list for parents, students, associates and my special education team that I meet with regularly.  This way, I don't have to spend time trying to come up with the names of all my associates (I have 8) that I would need to contact to let them know about a specific item of concern.  This will be a huge time saver for me.  I'm sure I will find other groups that will help save time as well, but these seemed to be the groups I used the most when moved to distance learning this spring.