nappropriate Use Digital Media

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nappropriate Use Digital Media

Thinking of Facebook... I have many people who use it for good, but then some just can't resist but say everything on their mind no matter what it may be (good or bad)  I feel we really need to guard what we allow into our minds.  Both from TV and digital.  I have seen many friends ask a simple harmless question and it gets blown totally out of proportion. We all have the right to view, follow or friend people.  This is where I believe that as adults we need to set an example for our child or students.  Could it be that simple?  I do believe.  I have also had students who have used the Internet to look up inappropriate things whether they were curious or were just trying to be "funny" to their peers.  Either way it needs to be addressed and discussed at home and at school about what could become of this.  One student in particular was in third grade and looked up very inappropriate images, the parents were told and we discussed it at school.  Hoping that we caught something before it ever started and really got them in trouble.  I also feel that some of the nicey nice things we say to kids needs to stop and we need to be open and honest, age level appropriate of course.  I see kids not being understanding why.  If we actually have a conversation with them so they do understand why it was wrong, they might feel that we do care and are concerned about their wellbeing and safety.