new resources

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new resources

Tiffany Skidmore
There was a lot of new information in this section that I can use with my students and for myself. The first one that I would like to discuss is the Remind app for communication. I use this one with my students a lot to remind them of important due dates that are coming up and also to remind them about tests that are coming up. This works great with my school since we are on a block schedule. So if we have snow days I might go 5 days before a see a group of students again. This really isn't a new app for me but it is one that I really like and is very user friendly. Prezi is the one that I would like to talk about for collaboration. I have found this is a great way for students to create presentations that their classmates can make comments on. This is also good for students to collaborate on a group project while they are at their own homes. Students find this user friendly as well because most of them are familiar with Power Point and it is an easy transition to using Prezi. I still have my students put together Power Point presentations but when we are doing group work I have them use Prezi. The critical thinking one that I chose was Lino. This looks like a great way for students to put their ideas to critical thinking question presented to the class. I am going to try this one with my class that I give a critical thinking question to at the begininng of class. The students can then post their answers here and we can discuss them. The creativity app that I chose is PowToon. I am going to try this in one of my classes where I have them demonstrate what they have ready. They will create a PowToon over the reading and present it to the class. The last one that I chose for organization is Google Drive. Most of my students currently use this as a way to store all their files for school. Some of my students go even farther and create folders for all their classes so they can be more organized that way. I like this because they have unlimited space to store in and they can access it anywhere. Some students are not familiar with this part of Google so I try to make sure all of my students know how to use this part of Google.