pinterest in special ed!

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pinterest in special ed!

Kalle Richmann
I frequently use breezy special Ed to get ideas for activities for my classroom she has a wealth of ideas on her pinterest site.[]=breezy%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined&term_meta[]=special%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined&term_meta[]=ed%7Cautocomplete%7Cundefined

I will often search for new ideas just in the general search as life skills, financial literacy, community experience, work tasks and many other things.  This is probably the social media site I use the most for my room! I also use it frequently for adaptive crafts or art projects for my students to complete especially if the student has a parents birthday, mothers day, etc.  There are also ideas how to decorate your room, sensory activities, how to set up your room and numerous other activities and projects!