social media, can we handle it or will it handle us?

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social media, can we handle it or will it handle us?
This site explores all of them and is very direct although not providing enough information to shut them down.  Most have redeeming items such as teaching marketing or self help.  Some are more specific in their goals such as Linked in.  Youtube is wide open for users and I for instance use it for household do it yourself repairs while of course listening to my favorite playlist.

After doing something like this I feel truly rewarded for what I did and almost look at the malady as a blessing for getting me to stop and smell my roses, “lures”.

I have never felt so good as while up on a ladder installing a large bay window when Vestal Goodman began singing Angel Band and half way through George Jones came in talking about his heavenly home.  I sing it outloud at random times when a blessing comes my way.

They grab you with lifelong support of your past and become addictive, yet with no warning about don't try this at home.

Again refer to who we see daily leading by example?  Proud and arrogant NORM breakers who are proud of the Proud Boys and loudly spewing that laws are sacred, only for others because they have immunity.  They never hold up the Get out of Jail card from old Moneybags on the Monopoly board.

Hal again comes to mind.  We are in a different time and we may not be critical thinkers enough to overcome AI