Art Concepts/Terms (3 Questions)

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Art Concepts/Terms (3 Questions)

Robert Kinzenbaw

What was new learning for you?
-I enjoyed looking at the "new" terms that classmates added and looking for a new term of my own.  I included kinetic art or kinetic sculptures (movement) and it allowed me to reflect on everyday art installations that I do not commonly think about.  For example, wind chimes and how they incorporate movement while also stimulating our sense of hearing.  I did like seeing the use of the triangles and hexagon overlaid on the color wheel, this was very helpful.

What was a review?
- I feel confident in saying that much of this section was a review, but it was a good one to go over.  All of the colors were something that I new well.  The graphic with the triangles and hexagon was new.

How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
-We talk about patterns in math and problem solving.  I would like to incorporate the use of patterns (we look for in math, the same that our eyes look for in art) into math-art lessons.  Specifically I like the idea of using rhythm that gives art look and feel.