Art Concepts and Terminology_Billie Inskeep

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Art Concepts and Terminology_Billie Inskeep

I have learned more about the element of space in art. Whether it positive or negative, shallow or deep, opened or closed, or 2D or 3D, its interesting to see how artists use it. Also, the figure-ground relationship of middle ground and foreground is something I have not heard in a long time.

There were several concepts that were review for me. I have taught Kindergarten for four years, so I like to reiterate the importance of the primary and secondary colors and the warm and cool colors. The value of a color with how dark or light they want it to be. Also, the importance of proportion or scale the students want the picture to be on a piece of paper.

I would like to apply the meaning and purpose of vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight, and curved lines. That way when they journal, they can draw these lines with purpose on how they are feeling or what they are trying to portray. I would also like to incorporate texture into their drawings to hopefully show that a road or sidewalk is not always straight and smooth.