Art Concepts and Terminology- Elizabeth Wagner

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Art Concepts and Terminology- Elizabeth Wagner

New learning: I did not know about negative and positive space. I found it interesting how spaces can be described based on whether or not there are objects in it or if it is an empty area. I also learned more about intensity and how it can be defined by the brightness of an object.
Review learning: When I was in 4-H I participated in different projects and had to learn quite about about the elements and design principles in order to describe different project I completed. A lot of the terms talked about in this first section were familiar to me because of that. One that stood out from past learning was the idea of balance as well as the texture. I find it interesting how texture can be something you can physically feel or something that appear to have a feeling or texture to it.
Apply to current teaching: One item that stuck out that I can easily apply to current learning is shapes and forms. While teaching math, we talk a lot about the properties of shapes and ways we can define 2D and 3D shapes. This would be a great time to tie art concepts into math for students who love art and learn through being creative.