Art Concepts and Terminology - Garrin Jost

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Art Concepts and Terminology - Garrin Jost

- What was new learning for you?
         I enjoyed the crowd-sources glossary. I had never seen the term "batik" before, and now I have! Additionally, I never knew that "ben-day dots" had a name. A co-teacher of mine last year worked in printing previously and showed my students those with a magnifying glass, so I will have to let her know about my newfound knowledge. Finally, "rayography" is just such a fantastically cool work and concept.

- What was a review?
        Most if not all of the basic art concepts and terminology was covered in another class I took about teaching elementary art as well as in an art history course I had taken.

- How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
       I think using these terms to describe the art that my students do incidentally will help them to begin to see their art and others' art more critically. Giving student new language is crucial in them contextualizing what they are taking in- so I would like to begin fostering my students growth in their ability to describe their visual worlds.