Art Concepts and Terminology - Savannah Strunk

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Art Concepts and Terminology - Savannah Strunk

Savannah Strunk
What was new learning?
I was surprised to see so many art terminologies in the forum, some that I had never heard before. Terminology like tertiary (the mixing of primary and secondary colors), as well as analogous colors, was new for me.  I also found that the terms positive and negative space was new.
What was review?
Many of the elements of art were review such as lines, complementary, primary and secondary colors, and shapes.
How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
Working with a younger group I think it would be very valuable if I incorporate the actual terminology for colors such as primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. I would not only incorporate the color terms but also feel that using more art terminology will not only help to incorporate art into lessons but also help increase their vocabulary.