Art Concepts and Terminology

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Art Concepts and Terminology

Kya Kimsey
What was new learning for you?
-I have always loved taking art classes, in middle school, high school and even in college. I may not have been the best artist but it was always fascinating to me. One thing that is new for me is the idea of positive and negative space. The positive space is filled with something and the negative space is the empty area.

What was a review?
-The idea of color has always been amazing to me. I love changing the value of a color by adding white or black to the color. I love mixing two primary colors together to make a secondary color.

How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
-I teach kindergarten and during the first week of school we did a play-dough mixing activity. Each kid had a ball of play-dough in one of the primary colors. They then split their ball in half and gave it to a neighbor. The kids mixed their new colors together and we talked about how two primary colors can make new secondary colors.