Art Concepts and Terminology

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Art Concepts and Terminology

Kristin Kalcevich
What was new learning for you?
I'm not going to be dishonest--I actually have a minor in Art so this has all been review. (The BOEE is requiring me to take this course to receive my Iowa license since I was educated in a state outside of Iowa 20 years prior to the introduction of the InTASC standards.)

What was a review?
Everything so far was review. I will say that I appreciate the refresher of the elements of art, as these are the building blocks of all artistic works.

How can you apply these concepts to a content area you currently teach?
I will be teaching kindergarten. So much of early literacy is tied to using the pictures in books to help gain meaning. Infusing terms such as foreground, background, line, shape, color terms (complimentary, primary, etc.), space, and texture into our conversations about picture books can not only help them understand the story but also will increase their vocabulary and understanding of what makes quality illustrations.