Arts integration articles...

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Arts integration articles...

Robyn Davis
I enjoyed reading all of these articles - though some of the information seemed a bit "out of date" (NCLB and the study) as one other responder pointed out.  I think the information about arts integration continues to be relevant.  I have always felt that MUSIC is an important skill to integrate into a classroom - students tend to respond positively when you put information to music.  If I didn't have a voice like a horse, I would probably do a bit more.  I love having students draw in response to a book I've read to them, but haven't always been DELIBERATE in WHY or HOW they should respond.  (Then of course you always have those who refuse to participate).  In reading these articles, it got me to thinking of ways I could work to collaborate with both the art and the music teachers in my buildings to teach my lessons.  Being a teacher librarian, I've worked to collaborate some with the classroom teachers, but not those in the specials teachers.  I have considered working with the art teacher on a project related to a poetry unit (black out poetry, illustrating a poem, etc.).  Perhaps I can use the idea that one teacher in one of the articles did and have the students create a story using a piece of music - then working on story characteristics - beginning, middle, end, character, setting, plot, etc.    All in all, it has made me realize I need to do MORE of this even in my short 20-30 minute classes every 6 days.  I know that doing this may not be easy but it will be of benefit to the students - making what we teach "stick" better, make it more "enjoyable" and more engaging.  And what teacher doesn't like to hear from his/her students that a lesson was "FUN" or that it made them want to do more learning independently.  Maybe I can even engage my more reluctant readers to check out and actually READ more of our books!!!
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Re: Arts integration articles...

Robert Kinzenbaw
Robyn, I agree that some of the information was a little dated, and I was thinking that we are doing a better job in schools today.  But as I reflected further I was thinking about a neighboring school district that has one are teacher for all of their elementary schools.  The students, on average, receive art about once a month and that is sad.