I learned that at the beginning of the 20 question assessment, I felt pretty good. I was reflecting and really trying to remember what the correct answer might be. Then at about question 7, I lost interest and started guessing. There were questions and words I could not for the life of me recall, so I guessed. After question 20, I submitted and was surprised to even get 12/20 correct. This also teaches me that students can be really good guessers and this is not a valid form of assessment. This does not accurately measure what I know. We teach our student to have grit and persevere- with this assessment- I just gave up.
What else might help students show what they know? In the last section we learned about the importance of science notebooks. I think this should be another tool for assessing students. Multiple choice and true/false questions also do not leave room for explaining. You could keep the true/false question but then also have students prove their reasoning. This would be helpful in learning what misconceptions they continue to have. So, even if they guess right- the explanation will tell you if they truly understand.