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What did you learn from taking this assessment?  After taking this assessment, I was reminded of how much I dislike science assessments and how much anxiety I get while taking them. As I was reading through the questions, I felt like a failure because I felt like I should be able to recall many of these terms, even though it has been years since I have last heard them.

Did it accurately measure what you should know (and be able to do) pertaining to structure and function? I'm not sure if it measured what I should know about structure and function. It definitely told me what I didn't know. I imagine, given some short answer questions, I would have been able to better show what I do know.

 What else might help you or your students understand these concepts?  Defend your answer.  Giving students opportunities to show their understanding using pictures or diagrams is a good way to help students show understanding of these concepts. When I have given assessments, when I allow students to draw connections (using pictures) between organisms, I think they show their understanding better than just regurgitating vocabulary words.