Referring back to the videos, articles, etc. that you read/watched about VTS, discuss the implications and use in your classroom of implementing and using VTS. Add at least one website link, with a brief description about it, that demonstrates a way to use VTS in a classroom. Respond to 2 other participants.
In a nutshell VTS is something that promotes students abilities to analyze, digest and articulate their thinking. It is comprehension of material supported with evidence from visually analyzing art work. The implications of this are huge, they support 21st century learning standards by having students participate in open discussion and collaborate as they discuss their thoughts. Using VTS in my classroom will allow for students to offer their thinking and to support it with evidence. This type of interaction will allow for all students to hear multiple perspectives and learn new or different ways to look at artwork. Applied to the math curriculum they will hear a students strategy for problem solving and formulate conjectures. From there they can look to generalize and interpret their learning from exploration or coupled with their classmates thinking to make new discoveries. VTS helps to promote equitable classroom discussions!
This site, link above, is from Edutopia and it includes 10 strategies for teacher to implement VTS in the classroom. It has videos, vocabulary, question prompts, and techniques to launch the practice of VTS in our classrooms. It also includes quick games/activities that use VTS to help establish the use of VTS as a routine in the classroom. One activity is Five Card Flicker. Players are dealt 5 pictures or images and they must then:
1. Write one word that comes to mind
2. list a song that relates to it
3. describe what the images have in common
4. compare their pictures with classmates.
I also found this one, from a teacher that used it in PD. Another classmate posted about it, so I will just place it hear to look at, also, Colorin Colorado is an awesome resource...