Assignment #3

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Assignment #3

Mindy Webster
From those articles I was left thinking that there is a considerable amount of evidence to support that creating art helps children succeed academically. The correlation between the two is undeniable.  I also learned about Elliot Eisner, who is a major advocate for the arts. I liked how Eisner stated that “The arts teach children to make good judgments about qualitative relationships. Unlike most of the curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts it is judgment rather than rules that prevail” (Eisner, 2002). That really stuck with me.
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Re: Assignment #3

Shelby Blum
I thought that Eisner made some great points throughout the first article. The first article really outlined how some students had different ways of thinking and how art can help them enhance those abilities even further across a multitude of subject areas. Especially, those subjects such as math and science where students are creating and expressing how they found the answer.