Balance and fore thought

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Balance and fore thought

Richard Wilson
We have to understand.  Not everyone has the same ideas of norm and responsibilities.  What sets our personal standards should be part of our "critical thinking" before posting.  It's our personal responsibility to adhere to the proper norms and criteria expected by those who set guidelines.

Extremism is not part of that norm.  People who abuse this should be made to understand such extremism will not be accepted, ever.   My thought here is to open a forum with this question?  How do we regulate and maintain the norms and responsibilities that insures "safety" and "privacy" when those who use the internet or computer come from such varied backgrounds?

Who determines what is right, what is wrong...
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Re: Balance and fore thought

Wendy Luedeman
I appreciate the thought process behind your idea on determining "norms"...

Part of the problem in establishing "rules and norms" in the digital world is that we are trying to think of the 'digital world' as a tangible resource that we USE, rather than something that is ever-changing, and really an extension of our "living" world.

We still haven't mastered 'norms' for functioning as people when we are face-to-face, and extremism is protected by our freedom of speech laws.    Extremism in the 'real life' world makes people angry, but it is allowed.  So therefor it should be allowed everywhere, right?

We need to start thinking of the "digital world" as part of a living society rather than an online resource.

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Re: Balance and fore thought

Pamela Hayes
Great food for thought. I think one of the guiding principles that could help people make better decisions is to consider legal ramifications for whatever is posted online. Freedom of speech should be respected as well as differences of opinion because we are all so different. However, when threats or slanderous speech is posted, the person posting should be held accountable in the same way they would if the words were spoken in live conversation. Wouldn't it be great if people could agree to disagree without throwing harsh and demeaning words against one another?