Blogs in classroom and with students.

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Blogs in classroom and with students.

Ralph Hughes
Just like all of the other tools from Google Blogging can be used in a classroom and at home for students.  I feel it would be a great strategy for Language Arts classes to use Blogs as a platform to share thoughts from novels or other readings that the students are working on.  Students can share thoughts immediately and if they have access to a computer during class time it can be done in a quiet setting allowing others to continue reading or other classwork.  I do like students interacting throughout class with each other and myself as the teacher but this can definitely help a teacher differentiate a lesson.  

Teachers can share ideas from instructional activities allowing them to reflect on lesson effectiveness and get feedback from other teachers.  Students can share results from experiments or research papers.  Teachers can look at blogs from all over the world if they would like to inspect how other areas of the country or world perform their educational duties.