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Cautious Instagram User

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Cautious Instagram User

I've been on Instagram for sometime, but admittedly am pretty cautious with it's use.  I started both a personal account and a school account a few years ago, but learned pretty quickly from our students that there are far more limitations on privacy on Instagram than there are on Facebook or Twitter.  As a result, I'm pretty cautious in terms of use.  In addition, we try to do a lot of teaching about this topic at our school as well because many parents consider Instagram to be an "okay" form of social media for those under 13.  Unfortunately, because Instagram doesn't require a birthdate in it's setup, parents deem it okay for young users, and frequently forget to monitor this form of social media.  I consider myself relatively adept at using this tool, but mostly because we frequently are using this in investigations of cyberbullying or in reports of self harm.  I think this is a tool that schools should work closely with families in teaching best practices.