I am constantly amazed at how much information can be gleaned from even the most trivial things, and how very INTRUSIVE our technology really is. All of the "smart TV's", Alexa, Siri, Google, FaceBook, etc., are gathering information about us, all under the guise of "providing information".
I truly believe that the only way to be completely private any more is to have no online presence, no social media, no technology, NOTHING.
Big brother IS watching. Other people DO hear and see EVERYTHING that is said, posted, shared, liked, hated, etc. There is NO SUCH THING as "online privacy".
Maybe if kids can start to realize that technology is so advanced now that NOTHING they say or do online is private, that might start to make an impact. MAYBE. Of course, to be effective, those online words, actions, etc., need to have a real-life consequence - and that idea in itself is terrifying....