Courtney K. Clausen--Twitter Followers [M. Wicklund/Social Media]

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Courtney K. Clausen--Twitter Followers [M. Wicklund/Social Media]

Courtney K. Clausen
Social Media--Melissa Wicklund

As a professor that teachers technical and professional communication, it is key that I keep my eyes on specific tools and sources to stay up to date on writing standards. While I don't have my students use APA or MLA in my undergraduate courses, but my graduate students are required to write in APA 7. I also think it is important to keep up on MLA as well, just so that I am current on academic writing standards. Thus, it is beneficial for me to follow some of the following Twitter users—
* @mlastyle

It is also a plus if I follow the professional networks that align with my undergraduates’ fields of study/current careers including:
*The National Institute of Food and Agriculture--@USDA_NIFA
These two federal government agencies relate not only to the students in my classes, but also to grant work that I am doing with minoritized populations in the agricultural sciences.