Grade Level: 1st Grade
Subjects: Science, Language Arts and Art
Students will learn about the necessities pandas need in their habitat to survive. They will then apply this knowledge to a two stanza poem with rhyming words. Students will also use a combination of templates and their own creativity to create artwork of a panda.
Standards Addressed:
Anchor Standard #1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Anchor Standard #2: Organize and develop artistic work.
Anchor Standard #3 Refine and complete artistic work.
Students will research panda survival skills and habitat while learning how to write a two stanza. Students will also create a panda in its habitat.
Materials Needed:
Non-fiction book about pandas
Black construction paper
White construction paper
Assorted construction paper
Tempera sticks (optional)
Activate prior knowledge by asking students what they know a bout panda bears. Explain that they will be creating artwork featuring a panda and write a short poem to go along with their art.
Begin the unit by reading a non-fiction book about pandas (for example Baby Panda Chews Bamboo, by Ben Richmond) to give an understanding to students of what pandas look like, their habitat and their diet.
Use the learned knowledge and write down facts that students could use in their poetry.
Make a list of rhyming words and leave the list up for students to use in their writing.
Model writing a two stanza poem about pandas using a pair of rhyming words and begin it with Panda, panda and write a simple declarative sentence or question using one word at the end.
Repeat this process for the second stanza using the second rhyming word at the end of that sentence.
Have the students pick a different pair of rhyming words for their poem and write it using proper poetry form as modeled. Once they have finished glue the poem to a piece of construction paper.
Students use the panda template to trace, cutout and assemble the features to glue. Use terminology such as symmetry to properly place these features and where they may want the eyes to be looking.
Once the panda is complete students glue it onto a large piece of construction paper and paint the habitat around the panda (or use cut pieces of construction paper).
Lastly have students place their poem how ever they would like it for a finished piece of artwork.
Assess students' poems for an accurate rhyming pattern and complete sentences.
Website: www.learnitbyart.com/steam-resources/lesson-plans/Panda-Panda