glass windows: During our Building Study: Pre-K
Standards: Anchor 7- Perceive and analyze artistic work- Recognize art in one’s environment: Anchor 10- Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art-Explore the world using descriptive and expressive words and art-making; Standard 2.3.PS Children develop small motor skills.
1. During a small group activity, show this picture of a stained-glass window. Without giving information, ask if any students have seen one of these windows in a building. Wait for any answers such as church or the courthouse.
2. Ask the students how this window makes them feel. Is it a happy, sad, scared feeling they have? Why might that be?
3. What colors are seen in this picture? Point out the different shades of blue or purple. Talk about the patterns seen.
4. Show the students the pre-cut tissue paper squares and black window frame/outline. “What do you think we will do with this?” Allow students time to touch the colored paper and look through it.
5. Tell them that they can make a beautiful pretend window to take home. Have them choose their colors of tissue paper and hand out one frame to each child. Use q-tips for glue. Monitor and assist each child as they create their “window.”
6. Once dry, have each child take their window to the classroom window to see through it.
Assessment: Did each child fill in the empty spaces with tissue paper as though it were real glass? How well were they able to glue with q-tips?