DC:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Todd Bladt
It is hard for my generation to understand the depth of bullying within today's technological age. When I was in school the only bullying that occurred was that of personal interactions. Whether that interaction was with the actual bully or behind the victims back with another person. The fact that your voice is able to be heard by everyone on the internet gives bullies infinite power. The fact that kids are bullied at school, in class, and even at home gives the bully unlimited access to the victim. I've had numerous instances of students being harassed on the internet at home. The difference between there bullying situation and that I'm accustomed to is that they have irrefutable evidence that this behavior is going on whereas with the bullying that took place in my day was all hearsay. I explain to students all the time that they have the power to bring this information to a person that they trust to help them resolve their problems. Everything you wright on the internet is information that will never go away...just as this statement will be on the internet for all time.