DC Internet Safety Twitter

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DC Internet Safety Twitter

Kurt Brown
I have had a Twitter account for quite some time now.  I have 2 accounts, one I use for school and a personal one.   I know the basics of security and had help setting it up.  After learning more about the settings through searching youtube videos, I found that I had my settings pretty much at the top level.  I really don't ever post pictures or videos on Twitter, I mostly read things from the news sites I follow and retweet them.

I have always been careful of what I tweet.  I was already of what might be right and wrong and what could get you into trouble in the future and now.  I have shared these things with my students.  It does come up during my personal finance classes.

As Herm Edwards always says, "Think twice before you hit send"

Good advice I always share with my students.

I have worked several of these personal safety items into my unit on financial online safety.