DC: Internet Safety

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DC: Internet Safety

Katie Bormann
I spent some time looking at the settings in my Facebook account. I do not use any other forms of social media, so this was my only option. I knew that I had already set things on the most private settings that I could, but double checked just to be sure.

As I was looking through, I noticed that one setting was set to Everyone, the one about who can send me friend requests. I thought that I had changed this over the past summer, but maybe not. I changed it to only friends of friends being able to send me friend requests because I figured that if someone is looking for me, they should know some of my other friends on Facebook as well, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I also went in to see what I had been tagged in for pictures and what others can see and they are all hidden unless I make them public or visible to friends, so I was happy about that. I don't post much and certainly don't want anything to represent me in a negative way, so this is a good option for people who get tagged in a lot of photos.
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Re: DC: Internet Safety

Bill Mueller (Driver's Ed Bill)
I have to admit that I'm not that technical. I have a Facebook acct. but don't check it that often. I went into my phone after your discussion and found that in my settings that my restrictions button was off. Think I'd do better with a one-on -one tutorial looking at typical sites and uses of my devices.