My friends convinced me to get a Facebook account awhile ago. I value my privacy and do not post anything personal. I check my privacy settings often, just as it was stated in the NBC News cast. I am a public educator and the school district has policies for social media. As another participant stated they "refrained from stating my own viewpoints as I did not want to appear to be controversial to my school district." Likewise, I do not want to be friends with students and the parents. It makes me uncomfortable because I like to keep my personal and professional life separate.
I know I can choose "private" or" friends only" settings which would be better for safety. I believe you need to be very careful posting pictures, ideas, or locations of where you are going or have been. Recently, Facebook has upped their security protocols.
In addition, my students use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, etc. Sometimes students can use these social media in a harassing and bullying way. I think students and adults need to have respect for digital etiquette.