DC Internet Safety

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DC Internet Safety

Daniel Carver
I went through and checked my Facebook's account settings. I've been lucky enough to have Facebook since it started and came to Simpson, so I'm pretty familiar with it and the privacy settings. I've been able to live through the time when social media came to being and everyone jumped on it without understanding the full ramifications of our actions, and I think I've been fortunate to be able to grow up in my adult years with Facebook and Twitter and have the opportunity to experiment and make mistakes about privacy and security before it became too big of a deal.

I think most social media platforms didn't put a lot of emphasis on security and privacy settings when they were first starting because the point was to share information with everyone, which would have been friends. But since they have expanded the groups of people within your circles to include everyone, they seem to make a more conscious effort to remind you to check and double check that you are sharing things with the right people.