DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Kim Zaccone

I was teaching a Mock Trial course and had an outside volunteer attorney help.  This attorney in town also had a daughter in the high school.  A couple of my students chose to facebook message each other about their opinion of this attorney.  They said some rather inappropriate things. The attorney’s daughter was somehow connected through facebook friends and read these remarks.  She took a snapshot of the the conversation and reported it to me.  Complaints, denials, misunderstanding and overall hard feeling resulted from their actions.  It is my feeling, still today, that parents protected the actions of the students and no real consequences resulted.  I felt bad that a volunteer was subjected to a petty discussion that would never have been addressed to her face.  I could have been pro-active to help students understand that anything written on the internet can be seen by anyone.