DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

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DC Intro:Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Joyce Keeling
Share a time when you or someone you know was the recipient of an inappropriate use of digital media or when you might have used digital media in an inappropriate manner. How did this make you or others feel? What might have been done differently.

I have discussed the use of inappropriate digital media use by a student with a school bus incident in this forum, however I will approach this topic again.  First, how could one define inappropriate digital media use?  There are a multitude of interpretations of inappropriate digital media use.  For me, it could mean hurting someone else or simply not showing respect for copyright laws.  Since, I already discuss hurting someone, I will discuss copyright here.

When I see students breaking copyright right with digital media, I do say something and ask that the student change what they were going to post. The feelings for the student and myself were ones of knowing a wrong was corrected.  Usually, a student even has the grace to look embarrassed when I explain why they should change their copyright issue.  That may have been done differently, if I had reviewed copyright more times and perhaps would not get so involved with helping other students, that I almost missed possible copyright violations. To me, it is a teacher's responsibility to always be watching what students are doing online to ensure that students are using digital media in a responsible way.