DC Intro: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

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DC Intro: Inappropriate Use of Digital Media

Kara May
There have been a couple of times when I was or someone I know was the recipient of inappropriate digital media.  In both of these cases, it was shocking and did not make anyone feel good.  In one case, the person who sent the inappropriate media did so by accident.  He was using a work computer inappropriately while at home and left that material on the computer. This computer was later given to a co-worker.  (He was fired because of this incident.)

While this is an extreme case, the lesson here is not to use work computers as a personal computer.  Things that you search regardless of the nature leave a footprint.  Work boundaries should be respected.  While at work, a professional tone should be used in regards to emails or forums that require communication.  While at home, one should be cautious of your digital footprint and the information you share with others.