DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilites

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DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilites

Cassie Bultsma
I believe keeping our youth needs to be strongly educated by their parents and schools on the importance of safety on the internet.  Schools and parents need to help reinforce the rights and safety of our students.  Certain sites should be restricted from children.  Students need to know the responsibilities that come along with sharing on the Internet. Students need to understand the vital reasons to not share important information online with unknown people.  Children need to understand that everyone online has the opportunity to see what you have shared throughout the entire world.   In addition, I understand the freedom of expression, but I believe private photos/videos should be kept off the internet and used at home only.  It takes a community to raise a child and if we work together by educating children about online safety, we can keep them safe in the digital world.