DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

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DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

Megan Lahey
In a digital age where there is a constant and rapid change in technologies and processes it is imperative that all users understand how to be positive and proactive digital citizens.  As adults (parents, teachers, mentors, grandparents etc.) we must model the appropriate rights and responsibilities for our youth.  

All users should have the right to privacy, freedom of speech, the right to obtain valid information, the right to report abuse/ fraud without concern of being harmed.  These digital rights should be very similar to societal rights with the exception that there is a much larger population of people who are able to violate and abuse them.  

Therefore, it is important to instill a sense of responsibility in all digital users and hold all users accountable for their actions.  If I am going to use a piece of copyrighted material for a project I am going to give credit to my source.  If my friend shares information with me and asks that I keep it private I am going to abide by their wishes, unless it is harmful to them.  If I am going to speak my mind on social media I will do it with care and thought.  As an adult I have learned these norms and as an adult I will model these norms for my learners and children.