DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

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DC Intro: Norms and Responsibilities

Daniel Carver
Right - a moral and legal entitlement
-Digital citizens should have the right that companies and online entities keep private information about the user appropriately secure. Digital citizens should expect that financial records, social security numbers, phone and address information, etc, should have an extremely high level of protection. And they should have the right to hold companies and entities legally accountable if appropriate protections are not being given to their data.
-Digital citizens should have the right to express themselves freely online and that online speech is as equally protected under the First Amendment as written or verbal communication is.
-Digital citizens should have the right to open private access of the internet that is unfiltered, throttled, or
controlled by an outside company or government. Digital citizens should have the right to control their own privacy and security settings and filters while online.

Responsibilities - a thing one is required to do as part of a role
-Digital citizens have the responsibility to protect their private information as much as possible. They should be using strong usernames and passwords and not give out information to sites that don't appear trustworthy. They have the responsibility to be actively checking their own financial and credit records for irregularities and fraud and acting on issues immediately.
-Digital citizens have the responsibility to accept the consequences of their online speech, especially on social media. Digital citizens must understand that online speech is not an open, anonymous place without repercussions and that things said online can and will have an impact on the offline world.
-Digital citizens have the responsibility to visit safe and verified places on the internet and understand that unsafe and unverified places can carry consequences of viruses, hacks, exposure, etc.