DC Intro: Norms and responsibilities

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DC Intro: Norms and responsibilities

Paul C. Jeffers
I agree with others that acknowledge that while Internet access should be made available to everyone possible, I do not believe that it should be a mandate anymore than having a landline telephone, television or automobile is a "right" that must be guaranteed or forced on anyone.  That having been said, just as with these other options, there come responsibilities (you cannot use the telephone to make obscene or threatening calls, you cannot disobey traffic laws, drive under the influence, etc.) that must be explained and enforced.  Some of these may differ based on local regulations, but most of them are simply basic human rights, regardless of nation, culture, etc.  Bullying, inappropriate sexual communication, etc. must be prohibited.  The problem is that these kind of inappropriate behaviors are so much easier in the digital world, because of the nature of it.  A boy might never say the things to a girl face to face he might say online.  A girl may bully another girl in a manner that she would never dare to do in public.  This is why this issue of responsibilities is so important in the digital world.