DC Norms/Responsibilities

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DC Norms/Responsibilities

Kevin Lahndorf
Being in education and having children myself I believe that it is important to make them aware of what they put out there stays out there. Once it has been sent, posted, tweeted, chatted, or other...they can't get it back. They need to understand that what they post about themselves and others may not be what is best for all involved.

I teach juniors and seniors in a class called Careers II and part of what we discuss is that employers may ask to see their social media sites to check if what the student has posted portrays an image inconsistent with that of the company they are trying to gain employment with. If so, it is a possibility that they may not get hired at that company.

Proper usage of and respect for social media is something that people need to be made aware of so they can safely and properly use the internet.
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Re: DC Norms/Responsibilities

Ben Booth

This is a key part to education that all educators must preach to our students. Not only do we need to talk  and practice a method of being a good Digital citizen but we ourselves, the educators, must be good role models in exhibiting good digital citizenship ourselves.

Students must understand that not only is it good to be an active and positive citizen in your community but also it is equally important to be a good a digital citizen. They are constantly not only representing themselves, but their family, school, and community they represent online.
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Re: DC Norms/Responsibilities

Dan Spooner

   I agree with everything Ben said. Along with practicing what we preach and expecting our students to be responsible, we need to educate the public and the students parents!!
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Re: DC Norms/Responsibilities

Kaitlyn Christensen
In reply to this post by Kevin Lahndorf
I believe it is very important for students to understand proper use of social media, along with using sources for the classroom. Recently, I have found the importance of teaching students how harmful posts on social media can be to their careers, classmates, and future. While it may seem like the "right" thing to say at the time, they need to understand the issues that may arise.

While students "understand" the consequences, I have found that many continue to post things that they will not be proud of in the future. I am still trying to figure out the best way to approach this topic from the middle school.