DC - Norms and responsibilities

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DC - Norms and responsibilities

Katie Bormann
As educators, we oftentimes find that what we would hope to be taught at home, gets overlooked. One of these things is digital citizenship. While to many educators, it seems that this type of thing should be brought up first at home, we know all to well, that the reality is that sometimes it is not addressed at all. There are many different reasons for this and not to anyone's fault in particular really, it just means that as educators, we must do our part to educate children, adolescents, and young adults on the appropriate behaviors and norms of responsible behavior while using technological devices. Children need to know not just HOW to use the devices (they're figuring that out quickly all on their own) but WHY it's important that they use these tools appropriately and the HOW of responsible behaviors and what is appropriate and what is not.