DC Norms and responsibilities

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DC Norms and responsibilities

Janet Polley
I feel that the rights to free speech and expression should be upheld on the web.  But like the video stated, you shouldn't post hateful or vindictive speech.  Talking and discussing facts should always be our rights but how we express it has consequences.  I like the comment by Bill Mueller, he wrote "Nothing should ever be posted, that you wouldn't share face to face with another person."  I feel we need to express that to our students.  Students have the attitude (along with some adults) of "that won't happen to me" and I believe we as adults and as educators have to teach them that everything they do had consequences whether good or bad and to think hard about what they say, how they say it and to whom they are "speaking" to.  We also need to teach about the laws and what is appropriate and what is not (like downloading whole albums from a friend without paying for it and passing it on to another.)