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DC internet Safety

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DC internet Safety

7 posts
I have an X, Facebook, and snapchat. I do not use snap chat, but I know that the they will have everything on you when you sign up for the account. The biggest thing for me is that Snapchat has your location when you take a snap and send it. I also know that it doens't really disappear like they say it does. That thing scares the begebers out of me. I have my X and Facebook acounts set to private. You need to follow me inorder to see my posts. I know that facebook also collects a lot of data on you to send you guided advertisemtns in order for you to buy something I just try to keep my posts to a minimum and who can see them even fewer.
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Re: DC internet Safety

8 posts
with my kids having snap chat their location can be pulled up by anyone who is listed as their friend. I dont care for any social media it creates a bunch of issues with others who may think they know whats going on.