DC internet safety/exploring social media sites/privacy settings

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DC internet safety/exploring social media sites/privacy settings

I only have a Facebook account. I do not use any other social media sites. When I checked my Facebook privacy settings, it seems that my account is pretty private. I do not give out my phone number or email address (even to Facebook friends), I do not have my birthday listed, and only friends can see most of my content. I also have blocked a lot of people who seemed suspicious or that I did not know. On Facebook you need to be aware of ALL your privacy settings. It looks like Newsfeed content and story content both have separate privacy settings. You need to make sure you look at both of those settings. You can also go in and select who sees your 'about' information. Not all friends have to see everything. You can also limit who sends you friend requests. Mine are limited to friends of friends. Another privacy setting that gets overlooked is the amount/type of ads that show up on your Facebook feed. You can block ads as well. You can also see who sees your friends list. I set it to only me. This way, my friends are more protected.