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Day 24

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Day 24

43 posts
Happy Friday!
Just wanted to let you know that Denise Krefting has added to some of her thoughts to the SPLS conversation. You can read them here. If you would like to meet with any of us to discuss your specific needs related to using the SPLS, please don't hesitate to contact us. Also, be sure to sign up for the SPLS newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/ccWi45  to get the latest news about updates to the system.

As for the rest of the coursework, it looks like everyone is working hard to wrap up the last of the assignments. As always please let me know if you need any assistance or additional resources. I am looking forward to reviewing your artifacts.


Upcoming Due Dates

Mar. 7: Personalized Learning Artifact here. http://aea-pd-online.2351810.n4.nabble.com/Personal-Learning-Artifact-f7364.html
Mar. 8: Small Group Sharing here http://aea-pd-online.2351810.n4.nabble.com/28-Days-of-OLLIE-Small-Groups-f6868.html
Mar. 8: A Day in the Life (Draft #3) found here. http://aea-pd-online.2351810.n4.nabble.com/A-Day-in-the-Life-f6766.html

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Re: Day 24

2 posts
I'm happy for that
fireboy and watergirl