Dc Intro: Inappropriate use of Digital Media

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Dc Intro: Inappropriate use of Digital Media

Janet Polley
I remember when I posted a political meme to my Facebook and a friend (that knew how conservative I am because of our many face to face conversations at work) wrote back saying "Are you really that stupid...I thought you were educated".  I was hurt and went to say something and wasn't sure what to say so asked a few friends without mentioning names and she saw it and responded with "I was just joking" which seriously was not how I took it at all. It ruined our friendship.  Looking back, I probably shouldn't have asked for help on responding to the post (or should have asked in personal messages instead of a post on Facebook).  I also know of a teacher that was harassed on twitter, the student thought it was okay to make comments about their sexual orientation (which she never discussed but also never denied if asked) and make extremely hateful slurs with her name attached.  Luckily our administration took action immediately and it was gone in a matter of hours.  But we eed to remind the students that even though you delete it...it doesn't mean it is off the web.
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Re: Dc Intro: Inappropriate use of Digital Media

John Flaherty
This example to me is so common among friends.  I find it very inappropriate to attempt to have an argument behind a computer screen.  I don't try to post too many statements, because I don't want to have a backlash of postings about my thoughts.  However, in today's world this seems to be the going trend. Most times it appears with out much thought to it, just a lot of negative emotions.