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Digital Citizenship: Concerns for Young People

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Digital Citizenship: Concerns for Young People

Margaret Caldwell
Of course, the most notorious of recent abuses is probably the Russian interference in our most recent presidential election. I believe that Russia was out of bounds in its weighing in on what should be protected internal affairs of the United States. Although citizens of the United States can debate and mull over ideas in a public forum, citizens of a foreign power should have no such protected rights---particularly when they seem to have done so to disrupt and spread discord with false (even conflicting) information. It would be helpful for people reading posts from people or bots from outside the country to be able to identify them as such. Americans users of digital media need to do their homework and become more savvy about digital content. The internet can be such a powerful shaper of public opinion that digital users need to exercise intelligence.

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Re: Digital Citizenship: Concerns for Young People

Diana Crouch
I agree with you.  We live in a society which dictates we need to be the first to know and tell. I call it the Burger Kind attitude, "My way, right away!"  Trend setters seem to think they don't need to look up the information, research it, confirm it sources, and then double check before sending out the latest news/potential gossip.  Just because it's out there on social media doesn't mean it is true.