Digital Citizenship Internet Safety

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Digital Citizenship Internet Safety

Amy Johnson
What social networking site did you explore and what settings in that site should users be aware?
I explored Facebook as it is the social media platform that I use the most.  Facebook has many security and safety features if you take the time to go through the settings.  I think users should be aware of the safe browsing and the fact that they have a help center that explains the purposes and safety features.
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Re: Digital Citizenship Internet Safety
I too intend to use Facebook the most out of all the social media platforms because I find it easier to connect with my family/friends. but I only have my close family members there.
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Re: Digital Citizenship Internet Safety

In reply to this post by Amy Johnson
Although I am confident that the information from the aforementioned post will be necessary, it is still advisable to expand your understanding of the run 3 game genre, as it is currently at a high level of popularity.