Digital Citizenship Internet Safety

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Digital Citizenship Internet Safety

Michelle Boyden
I explored Google's privacy policy, as well as the privacy settings in my Google account. I appreciate that Google had a "Privacy Checkup" tool to help walk me through my current settings. I'm not sure if my students will have this feature. (I don't know if Google Apps for Education has different privacy settings. I plan to look into this.) I think it would be a powerful visual for students to click on "My Activity" and see just how much information is stored from their Internet use.

I chose to delete some of the history Google stored for my account, including my searches for YouTube videos. When I followed directions to delete my February searches, Google prompted me to make sure I wanted to do this with the following notice: "Your activity can make Google services more useful to you, like better commute options in Maps and quicker results in Search." I deleted my search history anyway, but this would make for an interesting discussion with students. Each year I have students read an article about cookies and the Internet and we discuss why we would/wouldn't want this information to be tracked and shared (user convenience, relevant ads, privacy concerns, etc.).