Digital Citizenship Norms and Responsibilities

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Digital Citizenship Norms and Responsibilities

Renee Gibson
We need to prioritize that students respect other people and their opinions.  Students should treat others online with kindness and respect.  The words they use should be the same they would use when addressing someone in person.  This branches into cyberbullying, hate speech, and other negative comments.

Students should be mindful to their time and content online.  We know the effects of students being online too much  Students should be encouraged to use the internet responsibly and not spend large amounts of time online.  Online interaction should not interfere with friendships, sleeping, academic work, and outside activities.

Students need to be very careful online.  They should understand the importance of keeping their  personal information safe.  Teach them how to create strong passwords, avoiding sharing private information with strangers, and be careful of downloading attachments.

Students need to understand there are consequences to bad behavior online.  This include understanding the impact on their reputation, future employment, and some legal implications.