Digital Citizenship

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Digital Citizenship

Students today have some amazing opportunities.  They find it funny when I talk about learning to type on a typewriter.  They also know more than most of the adults do about how to use the technology, what resources are available, and how to connect.  They have no fear.  They will take a new product out of the box and learn how to use it through exploration, not a users manual.  They feel as though they can just start over with the device and try again.  The scary thing is that they approach the use of the programs that go along with the devise in the same way.  They know that stuff they put out there is permanent.  They know that there are many things they should not put out there, they have heard it many times.  What they do not realize is the damage that can be done, or the risk they are taking.  Its like driving.  There are many bad things that can happen to you by taking unnecessary risks.  Adults are less likely to take those risks, than teens.  I think that this issue is the same, so we need to explore why they take the risks and help them to understand that the resources that they have are amazing and can allow them to do things they have never done before (like drive), but that it comes with a great deal of responsibility, risk, and a learning curve.  We don't just give our kids the keys and say drive safe.  We practice with them, teach them, and guide them.  Why should this be any different?  Yet, we break out all the new devices, hand them to them and say drive safe... Digital citizenship need to to be taught, but more importantly grown so that as they grow older they can be stewards of good digital citizenship.